genetics-cons-croppedThe PSP Genetics Consortium is a group of neurologists, geneticists, and other neuroscientists from the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany studying the underlying genetics of PSP. The goal of this multi-national approach is to search the entire human genome for genes linked to PSP and related disorders. This search will identify previously unsuspected abnormal biochemical pathways against which scientists may be able to target therapeutic interventions.

This will be the definitive study of PSP genetics involving the sequencing and analysis of 2,000 genomes using the latest technologies and processes. The project will take us a giant step forward in understanding the origins of not only PSP but of related neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease.

The PSP Genetics Consortium is supported by CurePSP and the Tau Consortium.

Consortium Members

Managing Director:
Jeffrey S. Friedman
, San Diego, CA (USA)

Principal Investigators (PIs):

Gerard D. Schellenberg and Li-San Wang, University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA (USA)





Dennis W. Dickson, Rosa Rademakers, and Owen A. Ross, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL (USA)





Günter U. Hӧglinger, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) & Technical University Munich (Germany) and Ulrich Müller, Justin-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany)





John Hardy and Huw R. Morris, University College of London (UK)





Daniel Geschwind and Giovanni Coppola, University of California, Los Angeles, FL (USA)





Alison Goate and John Crary, Mt. Sinai, New York, NY (USA)






Data Collection, Processing, and Analyzing:

Doxa Chatzopoulou, University of California, Los Angeles, CA (USA)


You can help by funding the sequencing and analysis of one or more genomes with a donation to CurePSP. For a donation of $1,500 you will get a framed map of a genome sequence that you funded. Each map is a unique and beautiful representation of the discovery that you are helping to support. In addition, as a member of the CurePSP Genetics Consortium, you will receive our periodic report of progress.

Donate to the CurePSP Genetics Consortium


For questions about the CurePSP Genetics Consortium please contact:

Dr. Jeff Friedman, Managing Director

Phone: 347-294-2873 (CURE)